Here is the link to my resume!

Erin Mooney Graphic Resume

Welcome to My World! Here is some information about me:

"Hello! I'm Erin Mooney, and I am an artist. Specifically, a multimedia artist which is a fancy way of saying I like to do everything. My favorite things to make art of are characters and world-building."

"One of the coolest things that an artist can do is transport the viewer to a place from the artist's imagination (or whatever subject they wanted to portray)."

Hello! I am Erin Mooney and I...

About my art

As you can probably tell with my little mascot, Birdard (above), I love making characters and world-building.

I love creating characters and worlds. I am very imaginative and I let that imagination run wild! I think that one of the most powerful attributes an artist has, is the power to make drawings come to life. Therefore, I use that power as much as I can.

List of Favored Mediums

This doesn't necessarily mean I cannot use or refuse to use others. I just really enjoy using these the most! I love drawing and painting traditionally, and also digitally. I have a lot of experience drawing in Photoshop, Illustrator, and ProCreate.

You can contact me at with jobs that require a digital or multimedia artist.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.